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Turquoise is a copper aluminum mineral. Copper causes its bright blue and its greenish shades are speckles of iron within.


Turquoise aids in truth-seeking, communication, and manifestation of expansion. It assists people in voicing their opinion and communicating better with people around them. Anyone who is shy and has social anxiety should always carry a piece when they are faced with uncomfortable situations. Also, people involved in public speaking should wear a piece to reduce the overall stress and anxiety of the situation. Turquoise activates the throat chakra making it easier to voice deep thoughts and opinions you might not normally voice outside your head.


Turquoise is also a stone of wholeness. It's an emotional balancer and brings peace and serenity to users in times of need.  Turquoise boost the emotional body (especially when depleted), will aid in relieving everyday stress weighing done on us all, as well as expanding awareness of your true self. Anyone looking for higher knowledge and wisdom should work with a piece of Turquoise, as it will rapidly benefit you on your spiritual journey.


Zodiacs: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Pisces

Turquoise (Raw)

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